fast pass
A queue is a line, as standing in line to get a ticket, or standing in line to buy food. Get back in queue, you! Look at that queue. I've never seen a longer queue in front of the ticket box!
Ascending priority queue is a collection of items which can be inserted aurbitarly and which can be removed smallest item. Descending priority queue is similar to ascending priority queue but it allows the deletion of the largest item.
The purpose of a queue system is quite simple - it allows and maintains order in any situation where there is more than one person waiting for a service.
A queue management system is used for managing queues in queueing areas, such as, in cinemas, retail stores, hospitals, embassies and transportation stations. Queue management system helps to reduce the time used in queueing,especially with the use of ticket.
At some popular movies, they will not sell tickets in advance, so you must queue up outside the theatre and buy your ticket, then you can go right in.
A queue is a data structure that allows adding elements at one end (the tail of the queue), and removing them from the other end (the head).Adding at the tail is sometimes called enqueueing, and removing from the head is dequeueing.Inserting or removing elements at other places is not permitted.There may also be operations to examine the element at the head of the queue without removing it (peeking), and to find out how many elements there are in the queue.
It depends on the context.Compare:# He was ahead of me in the queue. # He was before me in the the queue. In these examples, both sentences mean the same thing. Either expression may be used.But the word 'before' can be used in several ways, and not all of them can be substituted by the phrase 'ahead of.'e.g.* "I stand before you today..." cannot be replaced with "I stand ahead of you today ..."* 'Schumaker was well ahead of his rivals' cannot be replaced with 'Schumaker was well before his rivals' ! * 'In the alphabet, the letter G comes before H' means that G immediately precedes H. We would not say '... G comes ahead of H.'
Queue is a data structure which is based on FIFO that is first in first out. Following are the types of queue: Linear queue Circular queue Priority queue Double ended queue ( or deque )
Deque double ended queue
circular queue
Queues is the plural of queue.