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water temp is 4C

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Q: What temp is the water when transition on lakes occur?
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What makes fish that live by power plants die?

the power plants use the water to cool down and then dump the hot water back in the lakes so this drastic change in water temp kills the fish. that is how it was explaned to me

How can you make a safe prediction on a land temp and a water temp?

For land temp, wet your finger then hold it up in the air. For water temp, Dip your toe in the water>

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Rocks are part of the lithosphere, which is the solid outer layer of the Earth. Water is part of the hydrosphere, which includes all the water on Earth in the oceans, lakes, rivers, and underground.

Does water have to boiled to evaporate?

No it doesn't. There is no place on Earth that exceeds the temp of 100C. If water had to be boiled to evaporate, then wet laundry would never get dry, puddles would never dry up just as a few examples :)

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the temperature is below one degree or the temp. of ice water

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Condensation occurs at dew point temperature which is "the temp. at which first dew from vapours is formed when we are decreasing the temp. of the vapours".

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High temp and pressure

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Fish are cold blooded, but need to be adjusted to the temp of the water. Slowly if its hot water being adjusted them you need to slowly rise the temp of the water to the temp of the water out side and the opposite for lowering the temp by the way this is all wrong so please don't read that.

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