The Dead Sea is not located in a state. The Dead Sea is located between Jordan and Isreal, approximately 31 degrees north and 36 degrees west. The Dead Sea is actually a lake, in the Jordan Rift Valley.
The Dead Sea or Salty Sea is situated between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
dead seathe dead sea
The Dead Sea is also called the Dead Sea.
The Dead Sea.
Dead sea should be a sea.
dead sea dead liao
Salt got into the Dead Sea because the area of it and its surroundings were once part of a vast ocean. The same goes for the Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah.
The Dead Sea is a lake.
sea chodes is a factor of the dead sea
no there are micro organisms in the dead sea
Dead Sea.
- Your mom has been to the dead sea - you can "woohoo" in the dead sea - Hi