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Three croaks of a crow

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Q: What signal did hawkeye and the men neared the Huron encampment they agree to give in order to warn one another?
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What singal did they agree to give in order to warn one another As hawkeye and the men neared the Huron encampment what singal did they agree to give in order to warn one another?

They agreed to give the signal of imitating a crow's call to warn one another as they neared the Huron encampment. This way they could alert each other without raising suspicion or alarming the Huron warriors.

What signal did hawkeye and the men agree to give in order to warn one another?

three croaks of a crow

What did the gesture that hawkeye gave to Duncan Heyward mean -The last of the mohicans?

In "The Last of the Mohicans," the gesture Hawkeye gave to Duncan Heyward was a signal to keep quiet and not make any noise. It was meant to warn Heyward of potential danger or an enemy's presence nearby. Hawkeye's gesture was a nonverbal way to communicate and ensure their safety in the forest.

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One caveman waving at another to signal"over here".

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Stop light is another name for a traffic signal.

What takes place a signal travels from one animal to another and the receiver of the signal responds?


What device convert a signal from binary or analog form into a signal of another form?

Transmission Media

When the signal from one pair of wires interfaces with the signal on another pair of wires?

Near end crosstalk

What is included in a cell phone to handle the compression of data for it to be transmitted to another phone?

digital signal processor

How are the terms signal and communication related?

Signal: Behavior that causes a change in another animal's behavior.Communication: is the reception of and response to signals.Both of them work together to affect another animal's behavior.