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Lake Erie has 2 rivers that are associated w/ it. The Detroit River and The Niagara River. I live about 15minz frm Lake Erie.....

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Q: What rivers connected lake earie?
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Lake Earie

What is tributarity?

somthing to do with rivers and lakes and stuff

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Because it's connected (by rivers) both to Lake Huron and to Lake Erie.

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NJ's water supply comes from Lake Earie. It is the closest Great Lake to NJ and has so much water that it supplies 6 states with water.

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example of water surrounded by land is lake but not absolutely because there is a lake and other bodies of water like seas or oceans connected by rivers.

Where can I go for a romantic getaway in Ohio?

Kake Earie is nice and the Lolly the Trolley is fun and could be seen as romantic. You could also take a dinner cruise on the lake.

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not connected

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A lake

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Lake Mead and Lake Havasu. The Colorado and Gila Rivers.

Where does the water for Englewood NJ come from NY or NJ?

Answer: Both!The water comes from lake earie. for more detailed answer see the link above this one on the google page when you first type in your question. :)

Is Ontario connected to every great lake?

Yes. Lake Michigan is conneted to Lake Huron, therefore Ontario is connected to it.

What is the closest beach to Wheeling WV?

The bank of the Ohio River. It depends on what beach. Ocean or lake. If lake you could go to Bark Camp State Park Just outside of St.Claresville, Ohio. Or Lake Earie in Ohio. If the Ocean, I'm pretty shure Ocrean City, Maryland