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France and Germany both regularly fought over control of the Rhineland. The Rhineland was the valley surrounding the Rhine river and had several Natural Resources.

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Q: What river valley did both countries seek to control?
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What river valley did France and Britain both seek to control?

Ohio River Valley

What river valley was an area where both the English and French were trying to control?

i think it's Mississippi river because it was a major trade route.

What is similar about the nile river valley and the yellow river valley?

They are both rivers

What was the area called that both the French and the English wanted to control?

The French and the English both wanted to control the Ohio River Valley from 1754 - 1762. This led up to the French and Indian War. = = = = = =

Is a river valley a constructive or destructive force?

I think is both

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both french and the british wanted the land in the Ohio river valley/

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The British fought the French in the war becuase both countries wanted control over the Ohio River Land

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_______ were brought from Europe during the Columbian Exchange and made hunting for buffalo much easier for Native Americans

Why did the french fear british control over the Ohio river valley?

Both the French and the British are interested in fur trade. And also that the Ohio River Valley connects the Louisiana and the New France territory. If the British claim that land, then these two French territory will not be connected.

In West Africa and west central Africa two countries have almost the same name they were named after a river What are the countries and the river?

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the answer is that without sea canyons the river would erod

How did life in the Nile River valley differ from life in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley?

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