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Q: What river is connected to lake Victoria and the mediterranean sea as its sourse?
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It uses the Nile River to Connect the mediterranean Sea to Lake Victoria

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The River Nile.

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The river Jordan flows into it. But that's all.

In what direction does the Nle River flow?

It flows from Lake Victoria northward to the Mediterranean Sea.

What ocean does the Nile River connect to?

The River Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea, which is connected to the North Atlantic Ocean.

What is a sourse of a river?

Where a river starts A branch, stream, creek, spring or tributary.

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Its source is in Spain.

Where is the moulth of the nile river located?

The mouth of the River Nile is the Mediterranean Sea. The river starts in Lake Victoria, is the biggest lake in Africa and is shared by Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

What body of water connects lake victoria to the atlantic ocean?

The body of water that connects Lake Victoria to the Atlantic Ocean is the Nile River. It connects to the Atlantic through the Mediterranean Sea.

Where does the nile river's water come from?

The source of the Nile is Lake Victoria which inside Africa. It doesn't come from the Mediterranean Sea because if it did the salt water from the sea would've killed all the crops and plants. So as life surrounds the river and as the river empties into the Sea the Lake is the source.