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It's not an easy question to answer, not directly that is. What is for sure is that our interpretations of its 'purpose' are very likely to be wrong, for example there is not scrap of archaeological evidence that Stonehenge ever functioned as 'an observatory' that is a modern myth. That said it has an axis of alignment fixed on the shortest and longest days of the year (the winter and summer solstices). If we are to get near to understanding its purpose we need to know what went into its design, and that can be answered.

If we look closely we see a geometrically accurate piece of architecture, one that is designed precisely around mirrored symmetry (set either side of the axis). 'Astronomical' events tend not to be 'symmetrical' when translated into features and the ground, and such alignments that exist are to be found between the stones themselves , not to distant objects or sight lines. In short Stonehenge was designed on a drawing board, largely prefabricated, and somehow reflects a prehistoric cosmology, a religion - that was concerned with harmonious mirrored symmetry.

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11y ago

Archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2008 indicates that Stonehenge could have been a burial ground from its earliest beginnings. The dating of cremated remains found on the site indicate that deposits contain human bone from as early as 3000 BC

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11y ago

Speculation on the reason it was built range from human sacrifice to astronomy.

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11y ago

Archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2008 indicates that Stonehenge could have been a burial ground from its earliest beginnings

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pieter marais

Lvl 4
3y ago

Stonehedge was build to be a burial

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Nikko Bernhard

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3y ago
awsum ty

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11y ago

It was not Egyptian

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Q: What purpose was Stonehenge built for?
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Because the people who built Stonehenge left no written records, the purpose of its construction is still a matter of debate. Some have suggested Stonehenge may be a burial ground, while others believe it was a place of healing

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It became a mystery as soon as people forgot the purpose for which it was built.

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Stonehenge is thought to have been built by the beaker people.

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Stonehenge is not a natural formation, it was built by people.

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Stonehenge was built by people so the answer to your question is no.

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Stonehenge was first seen by the ancient people who built it.

Stonehenge is one of the only surviving pieces of architecture from the prehistoric period Although there is no way to determine the definite purpose of Stonehenge what is thought to be the purpose?

For information about the building of Stonehenge and its possible purpose see the related link below.

What century was Stonehenge built?

Not century but millennium. Stonehenge was built around 5000 years ago, but nobody knows for absolute certainty.

Do people think that Stonehenge was built by the egyptians?

No it was not built by Egyptians

What is Stonehenge built from?

The major stones of Stonehenge are mostly sandstone, others are igneous rocks.

Who was the architect of the Stonehenge?

A relatively advanced civilization called the Beaker People are believed to have built Stonehenge