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The Lt. in command of the training flight became confused, while over the Bahamas he kept thinking he was over the Florida Keyes. Everyone kept telling him to fly west, and that the compasses were fine. But he had it in his head that they were over the Keyes, so instead of flying west he had his small group fly North and East into the Atlantic. They ran out of gas and had to ditch into the ocean, with no one able to find them, they died.

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15y ago
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16y ago

Yes! Flight l9 was a formation of several USN Avenger Torpedo bombers, the Traiing squadron, for some odd reason called a flight (In the ground army a group of say, Trucks operating in formation is called a convoy) went missing simultaneously there were odd comments from the Squadron Leader, a Lieutenant Taylor-(Something strange down there) That an entire formation of eight planes could just vanish in plain sight is more than a little disturbing, all could not have made the same (Pilkot error) or misread instruments. They were spread out so no collission or aerial (Chain reaction crash) is possible. Weather may have been a factor but a whole squadron gfoing missing at once, it is the first and one of the most important of the Bermuda Triangle losses and the first major aircraft one. Ship losses date to the nineteenth century in thoise waters.

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14y ago

No more than the number of planes that have disappeared over a very large area anywhere else on the planet. The Bermuda Triangle is a load of garbage. The PBS science show; NOVA and a Discovery channel program hosted by Dr. Arthur C. Clarke both looked into the Bermuda Triangle and found it to be a hoax. The main reason people talk about the Bermuda Triangle is so that con artists can make money off of gullible people who are easily fooled.

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11y ago

Technically, there's no proof that Flight 19 actually crashed within the Triangle itself. Some theories (pretty good ones) posit that they actually went down in as many places as the Keys, Gulf of Mexico or in the Florida swamps.

As far as the many theories as to what caused the crash, the simplest is that the Flight leader, Lt. Charles Taylor, misled his trainees and got lost, until the point where they ran out of fuel and crashed.

The Triangle is known for rapid weather changes and magnetic anomalies that can interfere with both magnetic and electronic navigation devices. What is not generally known (because it's not good for selling the story) is that Lt. Taylor wasn't that great a pilot; he had gotten lost more than once on other flights. The flight plan for the training mission wasn't that complex, and it's pretty hard to miss the East Coast of Florida, unless you screw up and are heading further out into the Atlantic.

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13y ago

It happened December 5, 1945. The flight was lead by Lt. Charles Taylor who was in command of 13 students.

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December 5th, 1945.

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Q: What planes disappeared over the Bermuda triangle?
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How old was aliema Earhart when she die in the Bermuda triangle?

Amelia Earhart was 39 when she disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. The Bermuda Triangle is not in the pacific.

Did amielia Earhart die because of the Bermuda triangle?

Amelia Earhart disappeared during a flight over the PACIFIC OCEAN, That is the other side of the world from the Bermuda Triangle.

How many things have disappeared into the Bermuda triangle?

Over 1,000,523 People/ objects have dissapeared into the Bermuda triangle...That is including dissapearing objects/ People from Hundreds of years ago.

How many planes have flown over the Bermuda triangle and survived?

Almost all of them. The "Star Tiger" disappeared on a flight to Bermuda in January, 1948, and a Douglas DC-3 disappeared in December that same year. A training flight of bombers went missing in 1945, possibly in the area of the triangle. There are dozens of flights over the "Bermuda Triangle" every day, and in the past 80 years these are about the only unexplained disappearances--all of which occurred more than 60 years ago. Oh, a Cessna disappeared in 1969. Statistical analysis has shown that any equally heavily traveled area of ocean has about the same (or more) "unexplained" disappearances as the Bermuda Triangle. Disappearances there are not statistically significant.

How many people have disappeared in the Bermuda triangle since 2000?

Lots they aren't quiet sure yet but over 100 in 3 months in 2008 so yea a lot to find more you should search the Bermuda Triangle on google its a great source

When was Amelia earharts flight over the Bermuda triangle?

She never went to Bermuda Triangle.

How many people disappear in the Bermuda Triangle?

It is claimed that more than 1,000 people have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle, this has not been proven. Though myth and scare mongering has to be taken into account making it about 750 people who have actually become lost in the Bermuda triangle

How did the Bermuda triangle get its place?

Tectonic drift -- Actually, that's moving it. The Bermuda Triangle reaches from Bermuda (a tiny island) to Puerto Rico (a tiny island) to the city of Miami (not so tiny.) The concept of the Bermuda triangle was created in 1950 with an article by Associated Press reporter Edward Van Winkle Jones. He had a map showing an airplane flying from Bermuda toward Puerto Rico, another plane flying from Puerto Rico to Miami, and finally, Flight 19 flying from Fort Lauderdale out in the direction of Bermuda. It looks a triangle drawn over the Atlantic Ocean. Each year, ships and planes go missing off the eastern coastline of the United States, as planes have for a century, and ships literally for hundreds of years. Yet both the US Coast Guard and Lloyds of London state that no more ships or planes go missing here than off the Pacific coastline. Much of the story however, begins with Flight 19, aka the Lost Patrol when supposedly they disappeared suddenly into the infamous Bermuda Triangle. Flight 19 disappeared in December of 1945 but it wasn't into the Bermuda triangle and it wasn't sudden - it took five hours for each of the TMB avengers to drop out of the sky. The irony of Flight 19 is that none of the men died within the infamous Bermuda triangle. Three crash sites have been located and one aircraft has been raised from the sea. Taken from, Discovery of Flight 19 Douglas Westfall, historic publisher,

Has any person lived through the Bermuda triangle?

Of course! Ships, boats and submarines sail and planes fly over that area every single day!

Was Amelia Mary earnhart sucked up in the burmuda triangle?

Qualitatively No, the flight path of the Electra Project which commenced on 3.l7.37 and terminated- at least officially around 7.02.37 nowhere near covered the territory popularily known as the ( Bermuda Triangle) it was over the Pacific that contact was lost, the Bermuda triangle is in the Atlantic, has been linked to Atlantis by some writers such as Edgar Cayce.

How is maths and Bermuda triangle related?

The Bermuda triangle is imaginary lines drawn from Miami, to Puerto Rico, to Bermuda, and passes over part of the Bahamas. All of these inclusive countries teach math in their schools.

When did the first plane disappear over the Bermuda triangle?
