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The artic ocean

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Q: What ocean did Admiral Peary fight icebergs in?
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Which ocean has the most icebergs?

The Arctic Ocean has the most icebergs in it.

Which ocean has icebergs?

Arctic Ocean

Where icebergs go when thay drift in the north Atlantic ocean?

where icebergs dirdt in the north alantic ocean

Which ocean has many icebergs?

The Artic ocean

What ocean contain icebergs?

The Arctic Ocean

What is the only fresh water part of an ocean?

Icebergs are the only freshwater part of an ocean. When icebergs melt, it results in a decrease in the salinity of ocean water.

What ocean contains lots of icebergs?

The Southern Ocean, surrounding Antarctica, contains a large number of icebergs due to the region's vast ice sheets and glaciers. These icebergs often break off from the continent's ice shelves and float into the ocean.

Which ocean contains icebergs?

The Arctic.

Which ocean contains the most icebergs?


How do icebergs contribute to ocean-basin sediments?


How do melting icebergs contribute to the Antarctic waters?

Melting icebergs anywhere on earth contribute to elevated ocean levels. This is also true in the Southern Ocean, which surrounds Antarctica.

Who was given the title Admiral of the Ocean Sea?

Christopher Columbus was known as the Admiral of the Ocean Sea.