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they drink our air and breathe our water!

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Daryl Kemmer

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Q: What natural resources do tourist's use?
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How does tourists use of natural resources harm the environment?

Callum Gover is a quire

What facts are there about tourists use of natural resources?

They use our food, water and land because they take it.

Why does tourists use of natural resources not help us?

The usage of tourists of our natural resources contributes to many bad effects. Just like some of the tourists who use corals, aquatic plants as displays and for artificial uses; it results to lack of food and habitat for aquatic creatures. Also, instead of us benefiting from our own natural resources, some toursists are the ones benefiting without exchange from their countries' natural resources.

Do tourists use natural resources?

They drink the water and breath the air but they don't mine the mineral or chop down the trees.

What was the natural resources?

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Is it true that tourists do not care about natural resources?

No. While some probably don't, you can't apply such a sweeping generalization to all tourists. Tourists are people, and they each have their own set of thoughts, concerns, and opinions.

What is tourists use of natural reources?

eating yomamas chicken

How many people in Spain use natural resources?

people use natural resources, i think

What statement is not an example of use of natural resources?

"Relying on renewable energy sources can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions." This statement is not an example of the use of natural resources; instead, it focuses on the environmental impact of utilizing renewable energy sources.

Which natural resources did the anasazi use to make the shoes and pottery?

which Natural Resources did the Anasazi use to make shoes and pottery

How many tourists use natural sources?

It is difficult to determine an exact number of tourists who use natural sources, as it can vary depending on the location and type of natural source. However, natural sources such as hot springs, beaches, and parks are popular attractions for tourists seeking relaxation, recreation, and natural beauty.

What can you do about tourists use of natural resorces?

ask joe cooper!! :P