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Q: What moviemonster was seen swinging from the empire state build ing?
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Who was the empire state build designed for?

john touthomus

Who was president when the empire state building was build?

Herbert Hoover

How many months to build the Empire State Building?

It took approximately 1.5 years to build

Why did they build the Empire State Building?

It was built to be the tallest building in the world (at its time.)

How was the empire state build?

It was built with effort and teamwork from all the workers.

How many stones were used to build the Empire State Building?


How many blocks did it take to build the Empire State Building?


What materials did they use to build the Empire State Building?

steel beams

Did Athens build their empire by forming a city state?

Yea yes

How many tons of steel was needed to build the Empire State Building?

a lot...

Why did you build the empire state building?

the same reason for the twin towers financial

How many people did it take to build the Empire State Building?

3400 workers