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Q: What might happen to a town located on a floodplain if nearby wetlands are destroyed?
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What will happen to homes and buisnesses located in a floodplain?

The buildings would flood because if the river floods then the floodplain, a floodplain is flat land that is next to a river, made up of alluvium (sand, silt, and clay). When the river overflows, the floodplain is often under water,will/ would flood too, so if the land floods, then, the buildings and businesses on that land will flood too.

If Louisiana's wetlands were destroyed what would happen?

many animals would loose there homes and it would also put humans at risk. Also storms would be way more powerful then they are now because wetlands skiw them down.

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Wetlands - video game - happened in 1995.

What would happen to wetlands if they were destroyed?

If wetlands were destroyed, the loss of their natural functions would have several negative impacts. This could include increased flooding, loss of wildlife habitat, reduced water quality, and diminished protection from storm surges and erosion. Restoring wetlands is crucial to maintain their valuable ecosystem services.

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If a forest is destroyed, it can lead to loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, disruption of ecosystems, and contribute to climate change. It can also eliminate habitats for wildlife and impact water cycles. Restoring forests is essential to mitigate these negative consequences.

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they were crushed and destroyed

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What would happen if wetlands became extinct?

When wetlands are paved over there could be flood around/near that area because when it rains hard wetlands soak water and the kind work as a filtering system. As mentioned above that wetlands soak water when it rains, well when they are paved over cement/concrete don't absorb the water. So there are chances that when it rains really hard in that area it might be flooded.

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