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It is mostly of masonry. It was upright when built but the foundations have subsided over time.

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bricks, cement

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Q: What material did they use to build the tower of pisa?
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What type of material was use to build the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

it was built with rock and brick stones

What did they use the Leaning Tower of Pisa for?

It was intened to be a bell tower.

Did they use the wood when building the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

They use gum :)

What does he Leaning Tower of Pisa look like?

the leaning tower of Pisa is made of marble and is sinking into the ground. the tower was built on marshy land and has been sinking for hundreds of years. when you are standing in front of it, it is over whelming. if you use a search engine and hit image search, you should be able to find a picture easily. ciao!

What tools do they use to build Eiffel tower?

Plastic spades

What did the builders use to put the tower of Pisa together?

A lot of architecture in Italy being built during that time was made with bricks (red in color from the color of the dirt in Italy) and mortar. The white color of the tower of Pisa is from a marble veneer, or a thin covering of marble over the surface. The tower leans now because it is sinking into the soft ground.

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they use bricks

How much money did they use to build the Eiffel tower?

7.800,000 gold francs

What kind of money do people use in Pisa?

Pisa is in Italy, so they use the Euro

What was galieo purpose when he dropped two stones from the tower of Pisa?

He was proving the existence of gravity. In Pisa next to the Leaning Tower there is a church that he use to attend and while sitting in a service he noticed that the large chandelier was swaying by watching that chandelier he came up that the earth rotates. Today in the church there is a large pendulum and you can watch the rotation of the earth as the pendulum moves.

What material can we use to build a cellphone tower in?

The entire tower is steel. The antennas are copper and plastic. There is a large amount of electronics in a small building (usually made of cinderblock) at the base of the tower that is connected to the phone system and the antennas by cables made of copper and plastic. The entire installation is surrounded by a steel chainlink fence to keep people out.

What materials do you use to build a model?

light-sensitive material