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Salt. The Dead Sea is almost nine times more salty than the ocean, and for this reason there aren't a lot of things that can live in it (some bacterial and microbial fungi can manage it).

It's also "dead" in a hydrological sense: it has only inflows; there are no streams or rivers flowing out of it (since the shores of the Dead Sea are already the lowest dry land on Earth at over 400 m below sea level, there's nowhere lower for any streams or rivers to flow to). This contributes to its hypersalinity, as the only natural way for water to leave the Dead Sea is by evaporation, leaving the dissolved minerals behind.

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What makes the dead sea different from any other sea?

The thing which makes dead sea different from others is that nothing can live in it and every thing floats on it and it has the largest quantity of salt comparing the others.

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The Dead Sea is known for its high salt content, which makes it easy for humans to float on its surface.

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because of a lot of salt is in it The dead sea has no outlet. Water flows into it but not out. The area where the dead sea is is an arid zone so rainfall is low. Water evaporates from the dead sea but because there is not much water flowing into it the dead sea becomes concentrated with mineral salts and that makes it dense.

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the dead sea has a insanly high salt content making it very hard for organisms to live and makes the water very bouyant(i cant spell sorry)

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Salt makes sea water more buoyant. The Dead Sea has the most salt of any sea in the world, and even people who cannot swim have no problem floating in it.

Which sea is so named because it is too salty to maintain life?

The question makes no sense. Water being extremely salty inhibits the presence of life; it does not support it. The Dead Sea, the saltiest sea on Earth is practically devoid of life because of its saltiness.

Why are people more buoyant in the Dead Sea?

there is a higher salt content in the dead sea than in the pacific ocean for example.

Which sea has the highest salinity in the world?

dead seathe dead sea

Are Muslims forbidden to enter the dead sea?

Yes, provided they have clearance to go through Israeli border checkpoints. However, it makes much more sense for them to visit the Dead Sea in the West Bank, so that they do not have to go to Israel to enjoy the Dead Sea.

What sea is nicknamed the Dead sea?

The Dead Sea is also called the Dead Sea.

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The Dead Sea.

Is dead sea a ocean or sea?

Dead sea should be a sea.