It's just salty
these are the Great Lakes bordering Canada and the USA
Clearcutting for the rebuilding of Chicago after the great Chicago Fire. I believe this makes the Silver Lake Sand Dunes the largest Manmade Disaster protected by environmentalists.
Long ago the great lakes were even bigger. As they receded, they left behind the material deposited on the bottom of the lakes - which was extremely rich in nutrients.The area around the great lakes was flattened considerably by glaciers - which makes it easier to farm.The area around the great lakes tends to get sufficient rainfall to support crops without much irrigation.The area around the great lakes is crisscrossed by plenty of streams and rivers - which can provide additional water to irrigate crops when rainfall is not sufficient.
high concentrations
It is the only one that is completely in the USA.
The Great Lakes are part of the border between the USA and Canada.
the shipping is less expensive because it is by a huge crate and shipping is easier because the Great Lakes let them ship the products from inner Canada.
The Great Plains from Minnesota to North Dakota makes up the majority of the United States' border with Canada. The rest of the border is made up mostly by the Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountain and Cascaded Mountain Ranges.
Sand dunes are formed by the action of running water while moraines are formed by the action of moving ice.
The great basin is important cause they find there path Truly