The Ohio River. It forms the border between Ohio and Kentucky
and in the extreme southwestern portion of Ohio. The river is a
major shipping lane and shape much of the landscape.
What river just flows of Cincinnati Ohio?
The Ohio River. It forms the border between Ohio and Kentucky
and in the extreme southwestern portion of Ohio. The river is a
major shipping lane and shape much of the landscape.
What river makes up the southern border of Georgia?
The Chattahoochee on the Southwestern Border with AlabamaRead more: What_two_rivers_border_Georgia
What river just flows south of Cincinnati-Ohio?
The Ohio River. It forms the border between Ohio and Kentucky
and in the extreme southwestern portion of Ohio. The river is a
major shipping lane and shape much of the landscape.
What are three river that form part of the boundary of arkansa?
The Mississippi River forms the eatern border. The St. Frances
River form a small part of the border on the northeast. The Red
River forms a small part of the southwestern border.