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Q: What large body of water does the united state touch on the east?
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What state of the United States is located on a large peninsula?

Florida is the only southern state within the United States that has one large peninsula. This means that Florida is surrounding on 3 sides by bodies of water. These bodies of water include the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Straits of Florida.

Which state is on the east coast?

All the 13 colonies, florida... the north and south carolinas and everything on the right of the map of the united states which touch the water!

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California uses the most water of any state in the U.S. due to its large population, extensive agriculture, and climate. Water supply and management are significant issues in the state.

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No. It is bordered by Manitoba to the east, Alberta to the west, the Northwest Territories to the north and the United States to the south and therefore, does not touch any large bodies of water.

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Water collects in large droplets in the bottom of fuel tanks when the water is in its free state.

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5 cities in united state near the water 5 cities in united state near the water

What do you call a state that is surrounded by other states and does not touch water?

That's a land-locked state.

What large body of s alt water is in the state of Utah?

The Great Salt Lake is a large body of salt water in the State of Utah.

What are three bodies of the water that touch the US?

The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico all touch the united states.

What a large body of water near Jamestown bay?

A large body of water that is found near Jamestown Bay is the Indian River. Both of these large bodies of water are found in the state of Alaska.

What 3 large bodies of water did the roman empire touch?

The Mediterranean, the North Sea and the Black Sea.