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Arabic is their offical language

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Q: What language do the modern Egyptians speak today?
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Do Egyptians use hieroglyphics today?

No, modern Egyptians speak and write Arabic using the Arabic script.

What do ancient egyptians use to write with today?

Ancient Egyptians do not exist today. Modern Egyptians read and write Arabic, which is the national language of Egypt.

How many ancient Egypt people farm today?

There are no "Ancient Egyptians" today; only "Modern Egyptians". As a result, the question as posed is unanswerable. Currently, 29% of Modern Egyptians or roughly 24 million Egyptians, farm.

Who sets the standards for spoken language today?

As a whole, the general public. Whatever is most popular, will automatically become the modern way to speak the language.

What were Egyptians religious beliefs?

Which egptians do you have in mind? the egyptians in the time of the pharos or the modern egyptian today

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The majority of Latin Americans in the Western Hemisphere speak Spanish as their first language.

How did Indo-Europeans migrations affect modern world language?

In Europe, at the very least, Indo-Europeans squeezed out a lot of native populations--which is why Basque is a language isolate today--and resulted the wide swath of countries that speak Indo-European languages today.

How many people in the world speak Spanish today?

About 417 million people today speak Spanish.

What language did people from the 1960s speak?

The same that they speak now, depending on where they live.....

What language did people living in Romania speak in 1900?

The people living in Romania speak in 1900 the Romanian language, as today and also probable in the future.

What is the language of the chippewa Indians?

The Chippewa Indians traditionally speak Ojibwe, an Algonquian language. Today, many Chippewa people also speak English.

Are tombs still used in Egypt today?

No. Modern Egyptians are buried in caskets, like people in the West.