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Depends on what's available... rivers/streams, mountains, whatever. When I was in the Army, rather than follow a compass, we'd more often do terrain association, adjusting our movements by terrain, rather than by compass readings.

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Q: What landmarks do you use to find your way?
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What landmarks help you navigate your way home from school?

Landmarks are a great way to navigate a way home from school. Find things that will grab attention like buildings. Look for banks or restaurants. If there is a tree or house that stands out, that can be used as a landmark.

What city or state would you find man made landmarks?

Gate way

What do sailors have to be good at to find their way around sea?

Because there are no road signs or landmarks to follow.

Ways of preserving landmarks and monuments?

some ways of preserving landmarks are: to remember important people to find our way around our country to remember our history and to educate the children of our history of our country

Can you find pictures of famous landmarks?

yup just use google images and search the name of the landmark??

What means follow landmarks in order to find the way?

Idk. Sorry. But! im looking for the same thing. :{! SORRY! NOT REALLY!

SimCity DS how do you use landmarks?

You can't use them

Famous landmarks Canada?

olympic park is one you can find them on Google type in Canada's famous landmarks

What is tourist map?

it is a map for tourist to use in a new/foreign country. it would help them to find main landmarks or other famous marks.

What are the places of all landmark?

the landmarks are mean, median, maximum, minimum and range. you could find any set of numbers and find these landmarks in them. answered by Lucy Cetifag Lousiana

When has the knowledge of the night sky been useful?

Forever. You can navigate by the stars so you can find your way home even if most landmarks are hidden in the nighttime darkness.

Why are landmarks built?

to find were you are going if you are going in the right place.