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Q: What lake did the SS Edmund Fitzgerald sink in on Nov10 1975?
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What year did the Edmund Fitzgerald sink?

November 10th, 1975, according to Wikipedia.

How many men died on the Edmund Fitzgerald?

The SS Edmund Fitzgerald sank in Lake Superior during a storm on November 10, 1975, killing 29 men.

What did the SS Edmund Fitzgerald do before it sank?

The Steamship, SS Edmund Fitzgerald, was a freight carrier which sank in Lake Superior on 10 November 1975. Up to today theories abound but no definitive cause for the sinking has been established.

Where was the Edmund Fitzgerald going?

Clevealand or Detroit

What ship sunk in the great lakes?

There have been many shipwrecks on the Great Lakes. Probably the best known is the Edmund Fitzgerald; which sank on November 10, 1975 with no survivors of its 29 man crew. the Fitzgerald sank in Lake Superior.Another was the collision between the Comet and the Manitoba on August 26. 1875 in which the Comet sank and the Manitoba was heavily damaged; ten crewmen died.

What is a famous ship that sink in the great lakes in 1975?

The freighter, S.S.Edmund Fitzgerald, sank in Lake Superior on 10th of November, 1975 with the loss of all 29 crew members. It was immortalised by Gordon Lightfoot in his song, 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald' released in August, 1976.

When did the ship the Edmund Fitzgerald sink in Lake Ontario?

The Edmund Fitzerald sank in lake Superior in Nov 1975, not lake Ontario. Where it sank was near Superior It was approx 15 mile NNW of White Fish Point, well into Lake Superior link shows the charted point of the wreck.

What lake is said to never give up its dead?

Lake Superior is said to never give up its dead due to its cold temperatures and lack of oxygen in deeper parts, which preserves bodies remarkably well after sinking.

What is at 47 degrees north and 85 degrees west on lake superior?

The wreck of the EDMUND FITZGERALD

Have any ships sunk in Lake Superior?

Yes - SS Edmund Fitzgerald and also the Cyprus.

Was the Edmund Fitzgerald ever recovered?

No the Fitzgerald still rests on the bottom of Lake Superior. The location of the wreck was found 4 days after the sinking, on November 14, 1975. The United States Navy photographed the wreck in May of 1976, with the aid of an unmanned submersible.

What shipping disaster happened on November 10 1975?

SS Edmund Fitzgerald, one of the largest ships on the Great Lakes, sank on Lake Superior during a massive winter storm. None of the 29 crew bodies ever were found. The sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald is the most famous disaster in the history of Great Lakes shipping.