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Q: What kind of buildings and rooms did San Juan Capistrano have?
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What kind of animals lived at the San Juan Capistrano?

fat pigs

What kind Indians founded mission San Juan Capistrano?

Tomas Indians

What kind of plants did mission san juan capistrano have?

wheat barley corn vegetables

What kind of clothing did the Indians wear at mission San Juan Capistrano?

what type of clothing did they use was whatever the missionarys made them where

What kind of paintings did van Gogh make?

Oil paintings representing, landscapes, people, rooms, buildings, still lifes ...

What kind of buildings do Romans have?

They have alot of different kinds of buildings.

What kind of refrigerators are there?

they have mini fridges for hotel rooms,the supermarket kind,

What kind of houses do people have in Antarctica?

There are no 'houses' in the classic sense on the Antarctic continent. There are work buildings, dorm buildings, service buildings, mess buildings and out buildings.

What kind of rooms were in the RMS Titanic?

The most luxurious rooms anyone could ever imagine. Even 3rd class rooms were fancy.

What were in the rooms of the Titanic?

Really? You guys really have no answers for what kind of rooms were on the Titanic? AND YOU CALL YOURSELVES ANSWERS.COM!