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The mid-ocean ridge is formed along a divergent or constructive plate boundary between two plates of oceanic crust.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

It is the boundary between tectonic plates.

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Q: What kind of boundary is located at the mid ocean ridge?
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What kind of boundary is med oeacn ridge?

It's a divergent plate boundary.

What kind of boundary is mid ocean boundary?

Its a divergent boundary

What kind of fault do you think you will find at a spreading ocen ridge?

At a spreading ocean ridge, you are likely to find a divergent boundary fault, known as a mid-ocean ridge fault. This type of fault is created as two tectonic plates move apart, causing magma to rise from the mantle and create new oceanic crust at the ridge.

What kind of metamorphism might take place at a divergent boundary?

When a divergent boundary occurs beneath oceanic lithosphere, the rising convection current below lifts the lithosphere producing a mid-ocean ridge!!!Hope i helped.

What kind of plate boundary is Pingvellir National Park located at?

Þingvellir National Park is located along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, making it a divergent plate boundary where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are moving apart.

What kind of fault does Iceland sit on?

Ice land sits on the Mid-Atlantic ridge. It is a divergent boundary and a normal fault.

What kind of boundary splits the Atlantic ocean in half?

north and south america plates

What kind of faults would you expect to find in the mid Atlantic Ridge?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a divergent boundary where plates are moving apart. As a result, you would expect to find normal faults, which are caused by tensional stress as the plates separate. These faults create the characteristic rift valleys and transform faults found along the ridge.

When one tectonic plate descends beneath another what kind of boundary is formed?

A convergent boundary is formed when one tectonic plate descends beneath another. This process is known as subduction and typically leads to the formation of deep ocean trenches and volcanic arcs.

What kind of boundary are mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys?

A rift valley forms at a divergent boundary. When plates diverge, the crust in between them is pulled thin. This tension creates a rift valley, such as the one found between the two islands of New Zealand. Over time, the stretched crust with grow so thin that rising magma will break its surface, forming an underwater ridge.

What kind of exotic life forms can be found on the bottom of the seafloor near the mid ocean ridge?

tube worms, giant clams, and mussels.

What kind of boundary is closest to the alps?

The Alps are primarily located along a convergent boundary where the Eurasian Plate collides with the African Plate. This boundary is marked by intense tectonic activity resulting in the uplifting of the mountain range.