Distance from Long Beach CA to Palos verde CA
In 2011, the population of Long Beach , CA was 465, 576.
Hooman Toyota of Long Beach - 4401 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Long Beach, CA
20 miles
The driving distance from Brunswick, GA to Long Beach, CA is approximately 2,300 miles.
The address of the Long Beach Police Department Historical Society is: 2865 Temple Ave Long Beach Ca 90755, Long Beach, CA 90806
The distance between San Fransisco, Ca to Long Beach CA in miles is 313.02 miles.
It is only about 40 miles.
"Long Beach CA is the only one that matters." Well that's a pretty ignorant answer. There are multiple Long Beach's in the US. Namely the first town to be named Long Beach-Long Beach, Long Island, NY. Along with Long Beach, Indiana, Long Beach Island, NJ, Long Beach Washington state, Long Beach Ca, and Long Beach Mississippi. So there are 6 that I found. BTW....Most of LB Ca. is GHETTO!!! Long Beach, NY is the first and the best!!!
The address of the Historical Society Of Long Beach is: , Long Beach, CA 90801
Long Beach is much closer (100 miles compared to almost 500.)
about 18 miles