Brad park 1904
I don't think anyone knows what the worlds smallest building!
Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio is the best amusement park in the world.
Tower of Terror
Bakken, located in Klampenborg is the world's oldest theme park. It opened in 1583 with a woodie, flume ride, and other rides that are probably unknown now.
The world's oldest theme park still in operation is Bakken in Klampenborg, Denmark. Also known as The Hill, it first opened in 1583.
The worlds smallest passenger plane is probably a piper jet
Wolffia globosa is the world's smallest flowering plant that produces the world's smallest fruit.
The worlds smallest mammals as a group are shrews and are found in almost every country.
There are Disney theme parks in California, Florida, Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong. The next is scheduled to open in Shanghai in 2016.
There is a theme park called theme park world but it is near Liverpool about 1 hour away from there stadium
I think Chihuahua's are the smallest breed.