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The coin is a penny; Penney is a department store.

Without knowing how it was mis-struck it's not possible to assign a value. Please post a new question with a description of the error.

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Q: What is the value of a 2000 mis-struck penny?
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A date is needed, also an explanation of the term aerial misstruck.

What is the value of a penny with Lincoln head and the Memorial stamped on one side with the other side blank?

This type of error of misstruck coins is called 'Brockage'. A Lincoln penny with this error is valued at $35.00

What is the value of a 1964 U.S. penny?

If it's from change, one cent. It might fetch a bit more if it is uncirculated. If it is a misstruck coin or other mint error, its value would be much higher.

What is the value of a 2000 off center penny?

The value will depnd on the percantage of the off strike. The value for a 2000 off-centered penny is around $3-5.

What year was pennies worth the most?

The penny is worth 1 cent, unless it's misstruck or something.

What is the value of a 2000 zinc penny worth?

It's just a penny, spend it.

What the value of the year 2000 penny?

The coin is just face value.

How much is a 2000 d penny worth?

It's just a common penny with no added value.

What is the value of 2000 pennies all made in the year 2000?

The value of 2000 pennies made in the year 2000 would be $20.00. This is because 1 penny is equal to $0.01.

What is the value of a 2000 d silver penny?

One Cent is the value. The US has never made a silver penny. It may look like silver or have been silver plated but it has no collectible value.

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