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Current value is $70.00

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Q: What is the value of a 1986 PR69 liberty silver dollar?
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What is the value of 1986 libert silver dollar ellis island?

The coin is actually a "Statue of Liberty Centennial" silver dollar and is very common with a current retail value of $26.00.

What is selling price of a 1986 statue of liberty commemorative silver dollar?

Current average retail value is $29.00

Does an 1886 coin have the Statue of Liberty on it?

Assuming you are referring to an 1886 Morgan Silver dollar the answer is no. But their is a 1986 Statue of Liberty Centennial silver dollar.

Value of liberty trade silver dollar 1886-1986?

Hi I have also been trying to find the value of these coins because I have a 1986 Liberty Trade Silver coin. Ive done the research and these coins were privately manufactured so they are really only worth the silver value of these coins, and the print on them does not contribute at all to their value.

What is the value of a 1886-1986 commemorative liberty half-dollar?

The 1986 Statue of Liberty Centennial half dollar is a copper-nickel clad coin. Current retail value is $4.00.

What years was the Liberty silver dollar made in the US?

1986 to the present date.

What is the value of an 1980 liberty dollar?

He is asking about a 1980 LIBERTY Silver Eagle. It is a bullion coin that predates (and was privately minted) the American Silver Eagle (1986). The confusion comes from the reverse having the inscription “One Silver Eagle” which many know to be synonymous with “one silver Dollar“. It is not legal tender and is worth its weight in silver and any premium you can squeeze out of a collector.

What is the value of US liberty coin 1886-1986 silver dollar and half dollar set?

Please post new question with more information and a better description. Is the dual date 1886-1986 on both coins?

What is the value of 1986-s pr70 dcam statue liberty silver dollar coin?

If you mean a 1986 Statue of Liberty Centennial half dollar? This coin was struck in copper-nickel not silver. The Denver Mint coin is uncirculated and the San Francisco Mint coin is proof. Both have the same retail value of $6.00. A 1986 Kennedy half dollar is just 50 cents.

What is the value of 1986 ellis island liberty silver half dollar and a one dollar set worth?

8-10-11>>> The set is actually a "Statue of Liberty Centennial" silver coin set. It was issued as Proof and Uncirculated and both sets are very common with the same average retail value of $35.00.

Is a 1986 liberty coin solid silver?

A $1 Dollar Silver Eagle is .9993 silver & .0007 copper. yes.

How much is a 1943 silver American eagle worth?

American Silver Eagles were fist made in 1986, by the date (1943) you have a Liberty Walking Half dollar with a average value of $10.00