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Stop Height is the maximum height an object can reach without rolling backward. On a roller coaster, stop height is set by the height of the first hill. No subsequent points can be higher than this height. Friction and air resistance take energy away from the coaster and therefore reduce the stop height.

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Q: What is the stop height on a roller coaster and how is it affected by friction and air resistance?
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Why do the hills of a coaster decrease in height throughout the ride?

The hills in the track of a roller coaster gradually decline in height due to the speed and friction the train of the coaster is receiving. As the friction of the tracks affect the train, it begins to lose its momentum. The heights of the hills decrease so the train can successfully make it from start to finish.

When there is no friction what is the only factor that effects the final speed of a roller coaster?

Height of the tallest hill, I guess is the answer. There could be some other factors in the shape of the course like twists or spirals which would have some angular effect on the speed, as well.

Discuss the design of the roller coaster shown in the sketch in terms of the conservation of energy.?

The design is impractical. Note that the summit of each hill on the roller coaster is the same height, so the PE of the car at the top of each hill would be the same. If no energy were spent in overcoming friction, the car would get to the second summit with as much energy as it starts with. But in practice, there is considerable friction, and the car would not roll to its initial height and have the same energy. So the maximum height of succeeding summits should be lower to compensate for friction.

What does stop height mean?

The maximum height the roller coaster can/will reach

Would it be possible to predict the speeds that a coaster will reach before it's ever placed on the track?

Yes, it is possible to predict the speeds that a coaster will reach before it's placed on the track using engineering calculations and simulations based on factors such as the coaster's height, drop angle, track layout, and potential energy at the start of the ride. These predictions can provide a general idea of the coaster's speed but may vary from the actual speeds experienced due to factors like friction, air resistance, and design tolerances.

What is the difference between a hyper-coaster and a giga-coaster?

A hyper-coaster is a large roller coaster that has a lift hill height of at least 200 feet. A giga-coaster is larger, with a lift hill of at least 300 feet.

How much mechanical energy is at the top of a roller coaster?

It depends on the roller coaster's height,speed,and location. :p

How much do you have to weigh to ride a roller coaster at six flags?

It is not based on your weight to be able to ride a roller coaster, it is based on your height, and each ride requires you to be a certain height.

Does shot put have friction?

That is a very broad question, but the way I interpreted the question was whether there is friction between the thrower and the shot put. Everything that is in contact with each other has friction, so the answer is yes, but when the shot put leaves the throwers hand, the only thing decelerating the shot is gravity for the height, and air resistance for the distance. The air resistance doesn't really do much, so the only thing that really slows down a shot put is gravity, so make sure to get enough height!

How does height affect acceleration?

Height does not directly affect acceleration. Acceleration is determined by the force applied to an object, its mass, and any friction or air resistance. However, height can influence potential energy, which can be converted into kinetic energy and affect the speed of an object as it moves downhill.

How is wind affected by friction?

Friction between the wind and the Earth's surface causes the wind to slow down and change direction. This is known as surface friction, and it can create turbulent and erratic wind patterns near the surface. Wind speed tends to increase with height above the surface as friction effects become less significant.

How many meters is the hill height of a roller coaster?

That depends on the ride .