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Golden Lion Tamarind Monkey: Golden Lion Tamarind Monkey (scientific name Leontopithecus rosalia) is found in the lowland coastal region of the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). It is included in the endangered species list as the extent of its occurrence is less than 5,000 km². The reason for its population decline is humans hunting for its magnificent fur.

Chimpanzee: Chimpanzee (scientific name Pan troglodytes) are found almost all over the world, especially in the African forests. Though the chimpanzee is a widespread and abundant species of apes, their population has declined in the past few decades, mainly because of human exploitation and loss of habitat.

Gorilla: In the Red Data List, gorilla (scientific name Gorilla gorilla) is classified as critically endangered species. It is estimated that about 80 percent of the population has become extinct in the last three generations (one generation is 22 years). The cause for its declining population is hunting, change in habitat quality and disease-induced mortality. The gorilla is most abundant in the rainforests of West Central Africa.

Orangutan: Orangutan (scientific name Pongo abelii) is listed in the critically endangered species, as the population decline is estimated to about 80 percent in the last 75 years. It is found in the Southeastern rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo. Habitat destruction and hunting are major threats to orangutans.

Bengal Tiger: Bengal tiger (scientific name Panthera Tigris ssp. Tigris), occurs mostly in India. It is also found in Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal. According to biologists, poaching and habitat loss are the primary causes for decline in its population.

Jaguar: Jaguar (scientific name Panthera onca), the largest cat in the Americas, are found in Mexico, and the rainforests of Central and South America. It is classified as near threatened species. Hunting is the major cause for its population decline.

Toucan: Toucan (scientific name Pan troglodytes) are mostly found in the rainforests of Central and South America. The majors threats to its population are loss of habitat and capture for commercial pet markets.

Harpy Eagle: Harpy eagle (scientific name Harpia harpyja) is a near threatened species. It is found in the lowland rainforests of Central and South America. The harpy eagle is endangered mainly because of habitat loss and hunting.

Manatee: According to IUCN Red List, Manatee (scientific name Trichechus senegalensis) is classified as vulnerable species. It occurs in the Coastlines and rivers of rainforest regions of Africa, Caribbean, Amazon Basin and Florida. Loss of habitat is the cause for its decreasing population. If the present situation continues, there is a probability that about 30 percent of the Manatees will be extinct in the next three generations (90 years).

Gray Mouse: The gray mouse (scientific name Microcebus murinus), which was abundant in the 1990s, is classified as least concern/lower risk species. It is native to Madagascar. There is no major threat to this species. However, it is believed that change in the habitat quality may result in the decrease in the number of gray mouse species.

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some of the rarest animals in the rainforest are jaguars harpy eagles and pink river dolphins

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