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Hortonian Overland Flow is characterized by pooling of water caused rainfall exceeding the rate at which water infiltrates the ground. It is most common in urban areas with paved surfaces.

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Q: What is the nature of the Hortonian Overland Flow?
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What does overland flow mean?

Overland flow refers to the movement of water over the land surface, typically as a result of precipitation or snowmelt. This runoff can occur when the ground is saturated, impermeable, or when the rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil.

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Another name for surface runoff is overland flow.

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Interception refers to the capture and temporary storage of precipitation by vegetation, before it reaches the ground. Overland flow, on the other hand, is the movement of water over the ground surface when precipitation exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil. Interception reduces the amount of water that reaches the ground, whereas overland flow is the result of excess water unable to infiltrate the soil.

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Human causes of overland flow include urbanization, which increases impervious surfaces like roads and buildings, preventing water from infiltrating into the ground; deforestation, which reduces vegetation that helps absorb and slow down water; and poor land management practices such as excessive tilling or removal of natural water-absorbing features like wetlands. These activities can exacerbate overland flow and lead to increased flooding and erosion.

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