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The name of the peninsula is the Sinai peninsula. And whoever posted first, Moses didn't lead the Israelites to Egypt, he lead them away from Egypt. Study your history, dude.


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Q: What is the name of the peninsula that Moses led the Israelitesfrom Egypt to Canaan between the Red and Mediterranean seas?
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What physical feature was on the western border of Canaan?

The western border of Canaan was marked by the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the modern nation of canaan the area between the mediterranean sea and the jorrdan river known as?


What borders Canaan to the west?

The Mediterranean Sea borders Canaan to the west.

Is Canaan located by the Mediterranean Sea?

Canaan is a historic region. It correspond to modern Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and parts of Jordan and Syria. Thus, historical Canaan is situated at the eastern end of the Mediterranean

What the name of the peniNsula that moses led the israelites from egypt to canaan?

The Sinai Peninsula.

When the Hebrew nation left slavery in Egypt to go to Canaan what obstacles did they have to cross?

sinai peninsula

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Canaan was bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the west, the Jordan River to the east, the Arabian Desert to the south, and the mountains of Lebanon to the north.

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The wet fertile plains in Canaan were bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the west and the Jordan River to the east.

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Who wanted Canaan for trade routes?

Phoenician traders sought control of Canaan for trade routes in the ancient Mediterranean. Canaan's strategic location allowed for access to valuable resources and facilitated the exchange of goods between different regions. The region's ports and proximity to major trade networks made it a desirable location for trading activities.

Is the Red Sea in Canaan?

The red Sea is not in the ancient land of Canaan. It borders Africa to the west, and Saudi Arabia and Yemen to the east. The Canaanites lived on the Mediterranean coast of the Levant.

The area Abraham led his family?

Abraham led his family from the city of Ur to the land of Canaan. Canaan is an ancient region located in the eastern Mediterranean, which encompasses modern-day Israel, Palestine, and parts of Jordan and Lebanon.