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This small fresh-water lake in the north of what is now known as Israel is called the Sea of Galilee, a name that seems to have originated with Mark's Gospel, possibly to help readers understand where the lake was and, by calling it a sea, emphasise the drama of events occuring there. Of course, the Gospels of Matthew and Luke followed Mark in using this name. John's Gospel uses this name one time (verse 6:1) but explains that this is actually the sea of Tiberias. The lake was known to Jews as the Lake of Gennesaret and to Romans as Lake Tiberias.

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Q: What is the name of the lake or sea Jesus walked on?
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Did Jesus really move a lake?

There is no account of Jesus moving a lake in any of the accounts concerning His life. It is unlikely that He would waste His time on something like this when He had come to save people from sin and death and to heal and help many with various sicknesses. It is possible there is a misunderstanding with one of the number of accounts which provide details of Jesus crossing the Sea of Galilee (a small inland lake in northern Israel). He also walked on this lake and stilled a storm of wind on this lake and cooked fish beside it and preached near it.

What is the largest lake in the world Why is its name misleading?

The largest lake has a misleading name, because it is not CALLED a lake. It is the Caspian Sea.

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What is the name of the world's deepest lake in Mongolia in Russia?

Perhaps Lake Baikal or The Caspian Sea.

What is another name for the Sea of Galilee?

Lake Tiberius. Also called lake "Kinneret", locally.

What body of water would the Romans call the roman lake?

The Mediterranean Sea. They referred to it as either "our lake" or "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea. They referred to it as either "our lake" or "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea. They referred to it as either "our lake" or "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea. They referred to it as either "our lake" or "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea. They referred to it as either "our lake" or "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea. They referred to it as either "our lake" or "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea. They referred to it as either "our lake" or "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea. They referred to it as either "our lake" or "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea. They referred to it as either "our lake" or "our sea".

Name the sea where Jesus's fishermen fished?


What is the name of the lake that is high in the Andes and is 12507 feet above sea level?

The name of the lake is Lake Titicaca. It is one of the highest navigable lakes in the world, located in the Andes Mountains at an elevation of 12,507 feet above sea level.

Are there Bible scriptures about the sea?

yes when jesus calmed the sea when he walked on water when he made peter catch all those fish

Where is the larggest lake in the world?

The Caspian Sea, despite its name is considered to be a lake, and is the largest lake on Earth. It is north of Iran.

What is the roman lake morder day name?

mediterranean sea