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A navigable river.


Sort of. In a general sense it would be navigable if it is used by boats, but Navigable also has a legal meaning used by the government to designate waterways that are under Federal jurisdiction, and that are navigable all the way from the sea, or historic routes of commerce (this can include boats as small as canoes, or waterways (lakes and rivers) that cross state borders. An example of the first would be the Mississippi and Ohio river system. Next would be the Hudson above Albany. Even though it becomes too small for anything but canoes, it was an important route of commerce in colonial times. The last example would be a big lake such as Lake Tahoe. It is on the California and Nevada border and is under Federal jurisdiction as well as state. I left out Tidal waters, those experiencing tides. On some rivers this can reach many miles inland.

All other waters in the US are under state jurisdiction, but many of them are used by boats of all sizes even though they are not "navigable" in the legal sense.

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