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Of course it is land breeze

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4y ago

The Answer is Land Breeze

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11y ago


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Lvl 1
4y ago
Bruh- It's like, do you even KNOW the answer!? it's a land breeze. Duh.

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11y ago

sea breeze

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Q: What is the movement of cool air from the ocean to the land?
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The upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air form what?

The upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air form convection currents. This process is a key factor in driving weather patterns and climate phenomena such as thunderstorms and ocean circulation.

Which of these would form from cool air moving off of an ocean and on to dry land?

A sea breeze would form when cool air moves from an ocean onto dry land. The air over the ocean is cooler than the air over the land during the day, causing the cool sea breeze to move inland. This flow is typically strongest during the day when the temperature difference between the land and sea is greatest.

Why is it cooler at the beach during the day?

Usually a beach has a breeze blowing in from the ocean. This movement of air can cool your skin and make the temperature seem less. I would think that the air is still in the morning and as the sun heats up the air and land, this results in movement of the air.

When cool air moves off the ocean and onto dry land it is called a .?

sea breaze

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Water cycle is the term for the constant movement of the earth's water from oceans to air to land and back to oceans

What circumstances could cause a nighttime land breeze in a city near a ocean?

Well, first a land breeze is th flow of air from land to a body of water. Land Breeze happans in the night. So, if a city at night is near the ocean. The cool air from the city moves beneath the warm air in the ocean that is rising.

What is the typical air movement in coastal areas?

In coastal areas, the typical air movement is influenced by the temperature difference between the land and sea, resulting in onshore breezes during the day and offshore breezes at night. This phenomenon is known as the sea breeze effect, where cool air from the ocean moves inland to replace the rising warm air over the land during the day, and vice versa at night.

Air moving from land to water?

At night, land cools much more rapitly than ocean water. Air over the land becomes cooler than air over the ocean. Cooler, denser air above the land moves over the water, as the water rises. Movement if the air toward the water from the land is called land breeze.

These warm the land near the coast in winter and cool it in summer?


Why nighttime land breezes occur in areas close to the sun?

At night, air over the ocean is warmer. As the warm air rises, it forms an area of low pressure. Air over land is cooler and forms an area of high pressure. The cool air moves toward the ocean, producing a land breez

The movement of hot and cold air between land and sea creates what?

The movement of hot and cold air between land and sea creates sea breezes and land breezes. Sea breezes occur during the day when the land heats up faster than the water, causing air to move from the sea towards the land. Land breezes happen at night when the land cools faster than the ocean, leading to air movement from land to sea.

Why does land warm and cool more quickly than water and how does it affect your air temperature?

Diffusion of heat from land is quicker than water. thus temperature of air on land flactutes faster than in the ocean.