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The Colorado River can take full responsibility.


It could be said that the snowfall on the Western Slope of the Rocky Moountains is to blame.

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Q: What is the most powerful force to have impact on the formation of the Grand Canyon?
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description of how erosion contributed to the formation of the grand canyon

Which agent of Erosion responsible for the grand canyon?

The primary agent of erosion responsible for the formation of the Grand Canyon is the Colorado River. Over millions of years, the river has carved and deepened the canyon through its powerful force of water flow, which continues to shape the landscape today. Additionally, weathering processes such as frost wedging and chemical weathering have also played a role in the formation of the Grand Canyon.

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The Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon.

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The Grand Canyon.

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grand canyon

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The formation of The Canyon did not involve a meteor in any way whatsoever.

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The Grand Canyon was formed by the processes of weathering and erosion.

Formation created by Colorado River?

The Grand Canyon was created by the Colorado River!

What process is most responsible for the formation of Grand Canyon?

erosion by wind and water

What can a powerful river do?

The Grand Canyon has been, and still is being, made by a river.

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rain, the river Colorado wearing the plains