Yes, insects are the most numerous group of species on Earth, comprising about 80% of all known animal species. Their sheer numbers and diverse ecological roles make them a vital component of many ecosystems.
Fish species
Fish are the class of vertebrate that has the most species, with more than 30,000 known species.
Fish hold the title for the most numerous vertebrates on Earth. With over 30,000 known species, they are found in a wide range of aquatic environments worldwide.
It is a declarative sentence.
The degree of comparison is superlative.
The positive degree of comparison is used. (That it, no comparison is made.)
The most numerous type of plants are angiosperms, which are flowering plants. They are the most diverse group of plants and make up the majority of plant species on Earth.
The most complex and intelligent vertebrate is generally considered to be humans. Human intelligence is characterized by advanced cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, language, reasoning, and self-awareness, which surpass those of all other vertebrate species.
Yes, insects are often considered the most numerous group of organisms on Earth in terms of species diversity. It's estimated that there are around 1 million described insect species, with potentially millions more awaiting discovery. Insects are found in almost every ecosystem, playing crucial roles in various ecological processes.