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Development in this region has led to the displacement of many indigenous people.It has also led to large scale deforestation.Deforestation has also led to large scale soil erosion.This a cause of concern as it is destroying the lush green landscape and making it barren.

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Q: What is the most important feature of mangrove forest?
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It is the Black Mangrove, the White Mangrove, and the White Mangrove.

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What is most important feature of mangrove forests?

Development in this region has led to the displacement of many indigenous people.It has also led to large scale deforestation.Deforestation has also led to large scale soil erosion.This a cause of concern as it is destroying the lush green landscape and making it barren.

What are the kinds of mangrove?

There are hundreds of species of mangrove. In Florida and the Keys the most common are the red mangrove, Rhizophoraceae, the Black mangrove, Acantacae, and the White mangrove or buttonwood, Combretaceae. Mangroves grow together along the coast lines. The whole group of them is called a Mangal. The Black mangrove grows furthest out in the water and has special breathing tubes. Then come the red mangroves and on higher land the White mangroves. Mangroves are very important for protecting the coast from erosion and creating new land