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Q: What is the most important animal in the ocean?
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What is the most popular animal in the Atlantic ocean?

The most popular animal in the Atlantic Ocean is likely the Atlantic cod, as it is one of the most commercially important fish in the region, supporting fishing industries and economies.

Why is sand important in the ocean?

because the animal they live in the ocean can hide from prediters

What is the Antarctic's most common ocean animal?

The most common animal in the Southern Ocean is krill, Euphasia Superba. This animal forms the base of the very short food chain in that ocean.

What animal is the most common in the Southern Ocean?

the most common animal in the southern ocean is the Cape Petrel

What is the most strange animal in the ocean?


Why is important for the ocean to have motion?

The ocean having motion is important in a few ways. The most important thing is if the ocean dd not have motion than all living things in the ocean would die.

Small animal in ocean?

A small animal found in the ocean could be a sea otter, sea turtle, or a seahorse. These animals are adapted to their marine environment and play important roles in the ocean ecosystem.

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What animal is the most important to men?

the most important animal to men are dogs because they are a mans greatest pals and will stay with you forever

What is the most important thing in animal life?

Their lives are important.

What is the most important Oceans that the westbound routes cross?

pacific ocean, arctic ocean

What is the most important reason that rivers have different kind of animal life than oceans have?

Rivers are freshwater whereas the ocean is saltwater. They each support different kinds of life.