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Q: What is the level of the Gatun lake to the sea leval?
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How many feet above sea level is Gatun Lake?

87 and 82 feet (26.5 and 25 m) above sea level.

What if the Panama Canal locks weren't there?

then there would be a flood? No. The Canal has locks to raise ships to the level of Gatun Lake. This lake sit considerably higher than sea level where the ships begin transiting though the Panama Canal. Gatun Lake and it's connecting rivers are used as the main portion of the "canal" to transport ships (close to 30 miles). If you took the locks out, Gatun Lake would drain out. Aside from the environmental impact, that entire portion of the canal would need to be re-dug deeper so that ships can pass through the entire way at seal level.

How many feet must the ship be raised to sail from the Caribbean Sea into Gatun lake?

about 85 feet

How many feet must a ship be raised to sail from the Caribbean Sea into Gatun Lake?

about 85 feet

Why couldn't the Panama Canal be built at sea level?

The amount of earth required to be moved was prohibitive even by today's engineering standards. The creation of Lake Gatun and a lock system was seen as both faster and cheaper.

Is lake superior above or below sea level?

The surface of the Lake Superior is above sea level; the deepest part is about 600 feet below sea level.

What do Lake Eyre and the Dead Sea have in common?

Both Lake Eyre and the Dead Sea are extremely salty. They both have elevations below sea level. Lake Eyre is 15m below sea level, whereas the dead Sea is over 400m below sea level.

How high above sea level is lake STClair?

Lake St Clair is 602 ft above sea level.

What is height above sea leval?

Height above sea level is a measurement of how high an object or location is in relation to the average sea level. It provides a reference point for determining elevation and is commonly used in geography, navigation, and surveying.

What is the sea level of Bonney Lake Washington?

Bonney Lake, Washington does not have a sea level as it is an inland city located away from coastal areas. The elevation of Bonney Lake is approximately 400 feet above sea level.

What is the base level of Lake Huron?

sea level= 0 ft above sea level.

What lake in the Andes rest at 12507 feet above sea level?

Lake Titicaca it is 12,507 feet above sea level