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As you probably know, no-one knows exactly why it was built, or exactly who built it. It was also built over thousands of years, so its purpose may have varied over time, depending on who was adding to it.

However, one very major theory is connected to Druids. Druids placed great importance on solar events, e.g. equinoxes, and worshiped the sun. The Druids were the priests of the ancient Celtic regions and celebrated the midsummer by crowning the 'Oak King'. During sunset on the day of the Summer Equinox (midsummer), the sun appears just above (aligned with) a small, central stone in the ring in Stonehenge.

This has led to the belief that Stonehenge was built as a kind of observatory or calendar, to mark the middle of summer so that these important rituals and celebrations could take place.

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i think it could be gateway to other place

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Stonehenge was produced by a culture that left no written records. Many aspects of Stonehenge remain subject to debate.

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Did slaves build Stonehenge?

No-one knows for certain, but the most recent theory is that Stonehenge is a monument to the dead and that the people who built it actually wanted to build it and be part of the process in making a treasured monument. The most recent archaeological dig didn't find anything to indicate slaves built Stonehenge. However the 'most recent theory; is simply wrong, the Structure that everyone understands as Stonehenge wasn't even built at the time cremations were being casually inserted into the ditch and Aubrey holes of the earlier phase.

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Stonehenge is thought to have been built by the beaker people.

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Stonehenge is not a natural formation, it was built by people.

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Stonehenge was built by people so the answer to your question is no.

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Stonehenge was first seen by the ancient people who built it.

What century was Stonehenge built?

Not century but millennium. Stonehenge was built around 5000 years ago, but nobody knows for absolute certainty.

Do people think that Stonehenge was built by the egyptians?

No it was not built by Egyptians

What is Stonehenge built from?

The major stones of Stonehenge are mostly sandstone, others are igneous rocks.

Was Stonehenge built in the 18Th century?

Not At All! It Was Built In 5000 BCE.

Who was the architect of the Stonehenge?

A relatively advanced civilization called the Beaker People are believed to have built Stonehenge