The largest reservoir of nitrogen is the Earth's atmosphere, where it makes up about 78% of the air we breathe. The largest reservoir of water vapor is also the Earth's atmosphere, where it plays a crucial role in the water cycle by condensing to form clouds and precipitation.
The oceans. 97% of earth's water is in the oceans.
The largest natural reservoir in the world is the oceans. Oceans hold around 97% of the Earth's water, making them the largest bodies of water on the planet.
A water molecule spends the most time in the ocean reservoir, as oceans hold the largest volume of water on Earth.
The largest reservoir of nitrogen on Earth is in the atmosphere, which makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere.
The Earth's water reservoirs from largest to smallest: Ocean Polar ice and Glaciers Groundwater Freshwater Lakes Saline Lakes Soil Moisture Atmosphere Rivers
Oceans are the larger reservoir of water.
Oceans are the major sources for water evaporation.
The largest reservoir of nitrogen is in the atmosphere, where it exists primarily as nitrogen gas (N2). Nitrogen gas makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere.
Oceans are the major sources for water evaporation.
The largest reservoir of phosphorus is in the Earth's crust, including rocks, minerals, and sediments. This reservoir is slowly released over time through processes like erosion and weathering into the oceans, where it is then cycled through the ecosystem.
I believe that would be Quabbin reservoir.