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Antarctica is the largest desert in any hemisphere.

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Q: What is the largest lake in the southern hemisphere?
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What is the largest lake system in the southern hemisphere?

The largest lake system in the southern hemisphere is the Great Lakes system in East Africa, which includes Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi, and several other smaller lakes. These lakes are interconnected through rivers and form a crucial freshwater resource for the region.

What is Lake Eyre's hemisphere?

Lake Eyre is in the southern hemisphere.

What is the largest hot desert in the southern hemisphere?

The Kalahari Desert is the largest hot desert in the southern hemisphere.

What hemisphere is Lake Victoria located?

It is in the southern hemisphere

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It is in the western hemisphere and also in southern

In which hemisphere do the largest deserts lie?

Antarctica, in the southern hemisphere is the largest desert.

Which hemisphere has the largest desert?

The largest desert in the world is Antarctica in the southern hemisphere.

Which country in the world has the largest population in the southern hemisphere?

The country with the largest population in the southern hemisphere is Indonesia.

What is the largest city in the southern hemisphere?

The largest city in the southern hemisphere is São Paulo, Brazil. With a population of over 12 million people, São Paulo is not only the largest city in the southern hemisphere but also the largest city in the Americas.

What is the largest city by area in the southern hemisphere?

The largest city by area in the southern hemisphere is Perth, located in Western Australia.

Which is the largest country wholly in the Southern Hemisphere?

The largest country wholly in the Southern Hemisphere is Australia. It is also the sixth-largest country in the world by total area.

What is the largest continent in the southern hemisphere?

The largest continent in the southern hemisphere is Antarctica. It is the fifth-largest continent overall and is almost entirely covered by ice.