The Hindu God Vishnu is the supreme being in the religion of Hinduism. He is the master of all and is described in this way in Hindu sacred texts and writings.
Buddhism believes in no god in particular, Hinduism believes in many. Hinduism believes that you are reincarnated (reborn) many times. Buddhism believes in reincarnation only until you reach nirvana (perfect peace). And Lastly, Hinduism uses the caste system, a social ranking of importance, while Buddhists believe that the caste system is unfair.
The Ganges river is thought to be the mother of life. Water from the river is thought to have medicinal properties.
The Ramayana represents many good aspects of Hinduism. Righteousness, kindness, compassion, truthfulness, generosity, altruism, affection, courage, and the importance of fulfilling the promises are some of them that are represented in the Ramayana.
Hinduism gives equal importance to men and women. By picturing Gods and Goddesses, it is shown that Hinduism shows no discrimination. In the religion, women are regarded as the people who can affect the society in a positive way. It is explained that a woman is the person who can make a home bloom with happiness. Woman as a Mother, Wife and Daughter must be given the due respect and importance. Mother is considered as the first God. It is told, "Maata, Pita, Guru, Daivam" in the language of Malayalam. It means Maata(Mother) comes first. Then comes Pita(Father). After them are Guru(Teacher) and Daivam(God). This is what Hinduism teaches about womes.
Hinduism and buddism
Aum represents Brahman, the Almighty. You would understand the importance of this symbol by this only. It was not a part of creation only it was also a part of development.
There is no founder of Hinduism.
in many Sacred Texts of Hinduism importance of Non Violence can be found. But mainly in Vedas or the highest Scriptures a term called Dharma (righteous living) is found. Non violence is embedded in Dharma (righteous living).
indias major religion is Hinduism
Three cultures have attached significant importance to the swastika, but the shape of it has appeared in runic-type inscriptions worldwide. It found importance as both a Native American & Hindu symbol, representing peace in Hinduism. Obviously, the Nazi party later appropriated it (possibly because it had widely been found in Nordic/Viking runes)