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mice, monkeys wasps, Spiders birds

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they eat the producers

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Insects, Deer, and Monkeys

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Q: What is the first-level consumer in the rainforest?
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What is a tertiary consumer of the rainforest?

a jaguar

What is an example of a second level consumer in the rainforest?

a monkey!!

What is a primary consumer in a tropical rainforest?

A primary consumer would be possible sometihng that eats the producers. like maybe a insect of some sort

Top consumer in the tropical rainforest?

The top consumer in the tropical rainforest is typically a large carnivore like a jaguar, anaconda, or harpy eagle. These animals are at the top of the food chain and usually prey on smaller animals like monkeys, sloths, and birds.

What in the rainforest is a producer?

a producer is a plant at the bottom of the foodchain, the most important thing in the rainforest. it start a new live. like fern, it's a producer, without it, primary consumer(what eat plants) won't survive, and then, secondary consumer(what eats meat) will have nothing to eat, too. because of that, a rainforest won't form. that's why producer is really, really important.

What is the Amazon rainforest's consumer?

well consumers are the moneys bids and many others i believe that consmers are things that make threre own food

Which trophic level do anacondas and jaguars fill in the amazon rainforest?

not sure people! but follow me on Ig: @macbeautyari ! :)

What Kind of rainforest is a Daintree rainforest?

The daintree rainforest is a tropical rainforest.

Is the the amazon rainforest a temperate rainforest?

The Amazon Rainforest is a Tropical Rainforest

What type of rainforest is the amazon?

The Amazon Rainforest is a tropical rainforest.

What does rainforest?

The rainforest does

Does Colombia have a tropical rainforest?

Yes there are many rainforest including : The black Rainforest Losome Rainforest Heggoa Rainforest And Many More