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Q: What is the feeder to the Gulf of Finland?
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What is Gulf of Finland feeder?


Does Finland have a gulf?

Yes, Finland actually is between two Gulfs. Gulf of Bothnia and Gulf of Finland.

What is the gulf between Finland and Estonia called?

The Gulf of Finland.

The Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland go into what sea?

The Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland go into the Baltic Sea.

Helsinki the capital of Finland is located in which gulf?

Helsinki, the capital and largest city of Finland, is located in southern Finland on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. The Gulf of Finland is the easternmost arm of the Baltic Sea.

What is the name of the gulf that lies between Finland and Estonia?

The Gulf of Finland lies between Finland and Estonia.

What sea is Helsinki Finland located on it is located on baltic sea.?

Helsinki, Finland, is located on the Gulf of Finland, which is an arm of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is bordered by the islands of Denmark, the Scandinavian Peninsula and the northwestern European mainland.

What are the names of the 2 gulfs Finland is located on?

The Gulf of Finland and the gulf of Bothnia.

What is surrounded by Finland?

Finland is not surrounded by any sea. It is bordered by the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia.

What is the name of the Gulf located between Sweden and and Finland?

Gulf of Finland (in finnish; Suomenlahti)

Which sea is the capital of Finland on?

The capital of Finland is Helsinki and it lies on an island surrounding water, which is the Gulf of Finland. The Gulf of Finland stretches out, into the Baltic Sea.

Where is the capital if Finland located on what sea?

Helsinki is the capital and largest city of Finland, is located in southern Finland, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. The Gulf of Finland is the easternmost arm of the Baltic Sea.