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It floods any areas nearby and costs alot of money.

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Q: What is the draw back of dam?
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What structure built across a river to hold back water?

A dam.

What do you call a wall that holds back water?

A wall that holds back water is a dike, levee or dam

Volume of a dam?

how much water can a dam hold back before braking?

How a dam is used to make electricy?

How a dam is used to make electicity The dam holds back water from a river or similar.

Will rob van dam come back to wwe as rob van dam?

course he will still be himself. rob van dam wouldn't get the electric if he changed name. would he? He will come back as Rob Van Dam and be just as extreme as he was before.

A structure used to hold back water?

it is a dam that holds back water and it blokes the water like lakes,rivers and the ocean.

How was lake mead held back during the construction of the Hoover Dam?

Lake Mead is formed by the dam; until the dam was finished, there was no Lake Mead to hold back. The river was diverted during the construction.

Is dam a proper noun?

Yes, a "dam" is a barrier that holds back water, a real thing.

What is the minimum draw down level?

Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) is the minimum level of water at any reservoir or dam from which it can be withdrawn conveniently and sustainably.

Is Hoover Dam the biggest dam on the world?

No, but it is the highest arch dam in the US. It was also the biggest dam back in 1935 when it was built. The tallest dam is Rogun in Tajikistan. The largest dam is Three Gorges in China.

What is a structure that holds back and controls the flow or water in a river?

It's called a dam. Usually made from wood or concrete. It's like a large wall that can hold back and control the flow of water.

What structure caused Lake Mead to be created?

Hoover Dam although it was called Boulder Dam back then.