The driving distance from Pisa PI, Italy to Rome, Italy is 230.68mi / 371.25km
79 miles
The driving distance from Florence, Toscana, Italy to Pisa, Toscana, Italy is 42.24 miles. The driving time is about 45 minutes.
Distance: 87.61 miles / 140.99 kilometers - Time: 1:59 h
Pisa is in Italy
The answer to this question is Italy.
The closest town to Lake Garda is Sirmione, Italy. Sirmioine, Italy is approximately 123 miles away from Pisa, Italy and a flight would take about 45 minutes.
whats the distance between the colosseum and the pisa tower in rome italy
The driving distance from Verona, Italy to Pisa, Tuscany, Italy is 170.8 miles. The estimated driving time is 2 hours 40 minutes.
It's in TuscanyPisa is in Italy.
St. Francis of Assisi was from Assisi, Italy. He was born in 1181 or 1182 and is known for founding the Franciscan Order.
It is named after the town where it is located, Pisa.