The Sea of Naples was created in 1919.
582 land miles
The Strait of Gibraltar joins the Mediterranean Sea to the North Atlantic Ocean.
The driving distance from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Gibraltar is 1,517.13mi / 2441.59km
The Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar.
The Strait of Gibraltar links the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
From Gibraltar to Istanbul, the distance is 2101 nautical miles. Travelling by sea, it would take approximately 3-5 (travelling at a normal ferry speed).
The driving distance from Torrevieja, Spain to Gibraltar is 367 miles / 591 km
The Mediterranean Sea
2,614 km to Naples, Florida - about 27 hours driving time. If you meant Naples, NY, the distance is 437 km.
The Mediterranean Sea starts at the Strait of Gibraltar, which is the narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.
The driving distance from Munich, Germany to Naples, Italy is 700 miles.