The distance from Detroit to Lake Michigan in Muskegon is about 190 miles.
The lake between lake Huron & Erie is Lake St Clair, not Lake Michigan. Lake St. Clair is located about 6 miles NE of Detroit between the St. Clair River and Lake Erie.
Lake Erie is South of Lake Huron
Lake Huron is one of the four Great Lakes between the United States and Canada. It is located between Lake Michigan and Lake Erie.
Lake Huron is one of the four Great Lakes between the United States and Canada. It is located between Lake Michigan and Lake Erie.
Lake Michigan, Mona Lake, And Muskegon Lake.
Lake Erie.
Lake Erie
The Straits of Mackinac, a channel between Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.
st. lawerence
st. lawerence
Lake Huron is on the eastern side of Michigan, between Michigan and Ontario. The southern end of the lake is Port Huron/Sarnia, where Huron meets the St Claire River, and the northern end of the lake is the Mackinac Bridge (pronounced "Mackinaw") where Lake Huron meets Lake Michigan. On the East-NorthEast side of the lake it connects to the St Mary's river and Sault Ste Marie and Lake Superior.