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It has an average discharge of 2,830 m³/s (99,941 cu ft/s).

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15y ago

The actual rainfall is so extreme - from zero to torrential it is impossible to give an average for the 4,000 mile plus length of the Nile.

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Q: What is the discharge of nile?
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What is the volume of the Nile River?

The Nile River's average discharge is about 300 million cubic meters per day.

What is the rate of the Nile River?

Average discharge of 2,830 m³/s (99,941 cu ft/s)

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Average discharge of 2,830 m³/s (99,941 cu ft/s)

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Declan Conway has written: 'The development of a grid-based hydrologic model of the Blue Nile and the sensitivity of Nile River discharge to climate change'

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The correct answer is the Amazon. This river has a discharge of 210,000 CMS. The second largest riven the the world in terms of discharge is the Zaire, at 40,000 CMS.The Nile is actually 25th largest river in the world, in terms of discharge, with a discharge flow of 5,000 CMS. Remember that the Nile runs through vast amounts of desert.It's common knowledge that the Nile is the longest river in the world, but it is absolutely not the largest in terms of flow.

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The Blue Nile and the White Nile merge to form the Nile.

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there are many tributaries of the river nile and those include-atbarah riverdinder riversobat riverwalaqa riverhope u found it useful!by kasandra

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About how much water flows though the Nile a year?

Indeterminate because of numerous factors, not the least the variance in evaporation. However the average discharge is 2,830 m³/s (99,941 cu ft/s)

What are major land features in Sudan?

River Nile , White Nile ,and the Blue Nile River Nile , White Nile ,and the Blue Nile